Montag, 13. Mai 2013

My Body

I’m not happy with it
I never was
I didn’t tell you

I don’t like it
I never did
So now I ask,
I make a bid

Can you change it?
Take it away
Give me a new one
To keep for forever and a day

I don’t like this one
And no-one else does
Please can I have a new one?
A new one because

Because it’s ugly
It’s not nice
If you can’t change it
Please give me some advice

How do I make it pretty?
So others like it
So that they find it beautiful
So that they find it fit

Thank you for listening
Though it won’t help at all
Just get me through the day
Before I lose it all.

Mittwoch, 27. März 2013

When Teachers go Home..

When teachers go home,
nobody knows.
Do they pick at they're feet
or play with they're toes?

When teachers go home,
do they playstation,
all through the night,
without taking they're medication?

When teachers go home
Are we sure they have a house?
Or do they pick through bins,
just like a mouse?

When teachers go home,
do they go on facebook?
Sit there all day,
say they're "just having a look?"

When teachers go home,
do they act all weird,
like the ghost of a man
had suddenly appeared?

When teachers go home
are they actually quite normal
getting on with they're business
not being so formal.


Freitag, 8. März 2013

What i did in Science

Hi so when i'm bored in school and stuff i start writing stories. Either i start a story or i begin in the middle or end or random place. So here's a photo of something i did in science. Hope you can read it. :)

Freitag, 8. Februar 2013

Sorry i haven't been posting anything later because my internet has been down for about a month , i'll try and post more regulary now :P